Tuesday, August 11, 2009

strap it or spray it?

lmao, okay! so i was in the middle of updating our blog & addin new gadgets & i came across this!!
CONDOM SPRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dnt know much abt this but i scooped up a lil info from google for me & yu!
*i kno im late but dnt kill me* -_-
this product is bein researched in Germany by German engineers lol. *figures*
it says tht the male puts his penis into the can & it sprays latex from nozels in all directions.
i also seen another spray on condom... & yu jus spray it on...
like puttin oil sheen on ya damn hair!!
lol they say this product will range from 20-30 bucks!!
aint NO pussy THAT good! i'd buy a 50cent condom for dem hoes!
or maybe im just cheap.. w/e.
this has its pro's & con's tho!

  1. yu dnt have to worry abt ONE SIZE FITS ALL. this will actually fit your penis! no slippin or poppin!!! NO BABIES!
  2. this comes in different strengths & colors. whtevers clever!
  1. after spraying the product on.. yu have to wait a few minutes for the latex to actually build.. we're not used to this.. with your traditional condom yu just strap up & go!!
  2. ppl dnt kno how to act wen new technology comes around.. NUFF SED!
lol so how do yu feel about this??? strap it or spray it?