Saturday, February 7, 2009

newnie bxtch;;i agree!!

from experience;;
lemme tell you somethinq. dnt let your man have female friends. there's just something fishy about all these unexplained friendships. where the fck yu kno this bxtch from? i'm prolly a lil bitter about this topic cus the last piece of shxt boy i was invovled wif cheated wif every girl on his myspace smfh. "thts my best friend" bullshit. niqqa had likee 19 bestfriends. he was deadass too lol. he wud wanna come at my kufi talkin bout "well you qot male friends too" so what! the shxt is tht females dnt go to their male friends for advice they go to their girls. wtf do guys kno about relationships? but anyways my main problem was the "sister". [no relation] she prolly knew my whole life. i'll never forget "you're the closest thing to me under my mother" deadass? thts too fckin close! too too too close! && he cudnt understand why tht wud bother me. like its unheard of for best friends to be hookin up. aint nobody really tryna do tht love shxt so now its jus like "well you kno me the best" or "i knew you the longest" so mite as fckin well. seriously tho i've seen it wif my own eyes. but bein realistic your significant other will have friends of the opposite sex; thts inevitable. soo it all boils down to the trust issue. its hard to come by; easy as hell to lose. in these situations the girlfriend/boyfriend becomes the bestfriend &nd the bestfriend becomes the 2nd bestfriend. thts the only way things are gonna work.
